Come to me be in my dreams
Longing for those memories
I’d still remember
All the sorrows and pain
It feels like a crazy thing
It’s harder to slip away
Seems we had a fragile heart
No one else can break apart
Faded memories those laughters and tears
Bring us back all those years
That will never end
Promises that will last forever
Someday we’ll fly away
To find a better way
Hold my hand don’t let it go
You and I would stand tall
Come to me, be in my dreams
Someday we’ll fly away
Over the sky through the rain
‘Cause I hope and I pray
We would have a day
The everlasting day
Come to me be in my dreams
I dare to try the silent scream
Do not worry just walk away
There’s some things happened
That can never be explained …
張敬軒 Razel–The Everlasting Day(我和秋天有個約會 英文+菲律賓文的合唱版)
幾個月前,她家中患有自閉症的弟弟,因為不堪病魔折磨,在菲律賓家中服藥輕生。幾天前,她說抱著玩玩的心態,用《我和秋天有個約會》的旋律,填上了英文和菲律賓文歌詞,紀念弟弟。於是我們在家中錄下了這首歌,紀念那些我們渴望在夢中再次相見的人… 《The Everlasting Day》- 張敬軒